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DORO's heavily KISS related album 'Doro' turns 33, released on September 25th 1990

Doro Album 1990



On this day 33 years ago German Metal Queen DORO PESCH released her second solo album, simply titled 'Doro'.


It probably features the 2nd largest contribution ever from KISS & related members (the other being the WENDY O'WILLIAMS album 'W.O.W.). 


The album production was put in the hands of KISS bassist Gene Simmons, Doro's childhood idol. Gene Simmons wrote or co-wrote 4 songs on the album, including "Only You", a cover-version off '(Music from) The Elder' (1981). He also gave his protégé Tommy Thayer from BLACK N' BLUE (another band Simmons produced) a chance to shine as co-producer of the album, as well as providing lead, rhythm and acoustic guitars.


Also featured is Pat Regan (previously worked with Ace Frehley), who has a co-producer credit and also played keyboards.


Drums are provided in part by Kevin Valentine (who would perform uncredited on 3 KISS albums: 'Hot In The Shade', 'Revenge' and 'Psycho Circus').


Finally there is awriting credit for Adam Mitchell, which also wrote material for the 'Creatures Of The Night' album.


The resulting sound is much smoother and polished than any of Doro's previous output (incl. WARLOCK), being more in the vein of many American glam metal recordings of the time.


Despite the commercial appeal of the music and the high economic investment in producing it, the album did not have the critical and sales success that was expected and it remained the last studio album from Doro to be published in the United States for ten years.


Since the mid-eighties Doro and Gene Simmons (and the rest of KISS) have always had a great relationship, resulting in several guest appearences - here Doro can be seen introducting KISS on stage in Germany in 1988:




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